
BY Millard Arnold, August 15 2019

When inspired, I write Haiku, which I believe truly challenges the crystallization of thought.   Arguably, the shortest form of poetry, haiku epitomizes the essence of Zen Buddhism and aims to express the poet’s sentiment in just three lines of ideally 17 syllables,  5 in line one, 7 in line two and 5 in line three.  

Herewith are my expressions:


Swaying seductively,
Slender, fragrant blossoms
worship the adoring sun


As the rains fall
the entwined lovers
cuddle beneath the blankets


rumbling thunder
frightens the tiny dog
no one seems to care


Blowing winds, brittle leaves fall.
Dank, dark skies cold nights.
Somber thoughts, difficult times. Sigh


Collapsed homes,
dreams buried under tons of rubble;
In the gloom children play


Dark. Sinister clouds
Churning water; howling winds
At peace; inner stillness


In the darkness
the light from your eyes
is brilliant


Shaped by the battering sea
twisted, and distorted
the drift wood floated lazily ashore


Eyes wet with tears,
Body shaking uncontrollably;
The fat man roared with laughter


The flirtatious moon
peeking through dreary clouds
winks and kisses the naked lovers


A gentle hand
and soothing voice quiets
the raging storm within….


Firm ground trembles, heaves, cracks…
In a moment peace returns,
Death, orphans and tears remain


A hand, just a hand
All that remains
Of a promise that should have been


Stunted beach trees bow
in homage to the constantly
howling bitter wind


Memories written in sand
Are forgotten
with the in coming tide


The morning softness
promises much before the
day become what it is


Deep in the night,
around the only light in town
slowly circles a wandering moth.


Awake, in the deepest of night,
Patiently awaiting a hint of dawn.


Gentle breeze,
Crossing thighs,
A sudden glimpse of passion…


Petals of freshness
float lazily on the
afternoon pond


Rocks and ash rain down;
smoke and despair cloak dazed souls;
mother and baby rejoice


Graying skies and distant thunder
the parched dusty earth
can only wait


Resting in the shadow
of the solitary tree
the blazing sun awaits


Rain falls, parched plants grow
Brown turns green, birds flutter
Life breaths, children play. Wow


Dense smoke blackens the skies
The stench and heat of the flames
Brings tears to dry eyes


A whimper…cry…scream
No one hears
Trapped beneath the crushing rubble and stone.


If wisdom comes from
Seeing what others do not
Open your eyes and learn


They droop now
But wait until it rains


The Sun dipped
beneath the darkening clouds
a reddish glow remains


whilst the lovers frolic
on the soft summer grass
ants devour their lunch


Butterflies flutter
around the sleeping lovers
kissing them with their wings


Butterflies flutter
around the sleeping lovers
kissing them with their wings